Here's How We Do It:

Diagram of Amplification at Message & Funnel

In 4 steps, we put your content marketing on autopilot, and you get you featured in major media sites like: Google News, CNBC, Apple Podcast, LinkedIn Slideshare, and hundreds of other websites and platforms.

12 month plan

12- Month Content Plan
tailored to your business

Get your content marketing on track with your personalized content plan done with you by a member of our strategy team. 

Submit plan with Message & Funnel

Submit campaign to our team of writers

Input the details into our 3-minute form, and in days, our 100+ person writing team will produce your entire content marketing campaign in full for review.

Publish campaign

Publish Your Campaign & Distribute to Hundreds of Websites

Once you’ve approved all the content, in a click of a button your campaign will be distributed to hundreds of websites and platforms. 

Rinse & repeat

Rinse & repeat. Consistently create hyper-targeted content with ease.

Creating content is not a one-time thing. To leverage the power of content marketing, you need to be consistently doing it. With Message & Funnel, it’s that easy.

We’re all about creating online authority for you and your brand by combining strategic content and multimedia throughout hundreds of high value digital placements on authority media sites.

Results matter

Boosting Organic Traffic by 2X and Increasing Customer Acquisition by 50%

A services company in a highly competitive industry was able to increase their organic traffic by 2X and acquired 50% more clients. Using Message & Funnel’s unique hook mixing technique helped this client’s content rank for more keywords on Google very quickly. 

“We increased our traffic 2X by using a front-loaded content strategy, increasing long-term visibility for our business. And, we were able to acquire 50% more clients, while avoiding the high cost of digital advertising.” 

Content Amplification Strategy Quickly Increased Buyer Traffic

A new SaaS start-up used Message & Funnel’s content amplification strategy to expand their reach to 281+ million people to quickly drive more buyer traffic. 

“Our results were quick and we increased our buyer traffic by 170% and increased our website conversions by 200% in just 3 months!”

Marketing Funnel at Message & Funnle